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Our Programs

At Mapleton Education Foundation we offer financial support and a variety of grants to students and teachers to help them explore, experience and elevate their lies to full potential. We provide access to post-secondary education, enable participation in district and extra-curricular programs, foster creativity and innovation in the classroom, and engage community support to fulfill this commitment to generations ongoing.

Improving Access to Post-Secondary Education

Student Scholarships

No student should have to abandon their career aspirations due to the cost of post-secondary education.  To ensure that Mapleton students can access post-secondary programs – including vocational programs, two-year programs, and four-year programs – the Foundation provides two- and four-year scholarships to approximately thirty students each year, with scholarships totaling over $221,000.

Encouraging Creativity & Innovation in the Classroom

Marchi Mini Grants

The Marchi Mini Grant program provides funding for teachers to implement innovative, standards-based, hands-on learning opportunities in their classrooms. Though applicants may also receive support from the Donors Choose site, Mapleton Education Foundation awards are up-to $1,500 for an individual instructor or up-to $3,000 for a team application.

Helping Students Participate in District Activities & Programs

Make-A-Difference Fund

To ensure that all students have the opportunity to engage in life-enriching extracurricular academic activities that they might not otherwise be able to access due to financial constraints.  The Fund is specifically designed to support individual students in academic programs that require a competitive admission process, which are not sponsored by the district.  

Wolverine Welcome Back

Wolverine Welcome Back to School

The annual Wolverine Welcome Back to School events supports over 1,200 students by proving backpacks stuffed with school supplies. Community partners make this possible every year through generous donations of school supplies. Although this event isn’t necessarily targeted at specific families, we are confident it provides families with the greatest needs, essential back-to-school items children need to be successful. Below, please find a list of school supplies requested for this year.

Mapleton Holiday Shop

Mapleton Holiday Shop

In 2021 we launched our Mapleton Holiday Shop and Giving Drive.  Each year we partner with the Integrated Services team to host a Holiday Shop to support our Mapleton families.  Thanks to generous Mapleton employees and community partners, including A Precious Child, more than 450 gifts are available for children of all ages. Families are able to "shop" for their children and select the perfect gifts. Families also receive winter and personal resources, while kids have fun making holiday crafts. 

Supporting District Priority Programs

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Every year, the Foundation provides support to a high-impact, district-wide program. Past initiatives have included literacy, science, outdoor education, music programs, and the purchase of Strider Bikes and GaGa Pits, just to name a few. Through the generosity of this community, the gala will raise funds to support educational experiences and opportunities for all Mapleton students in and beyond the classroom.