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Marco Olivas Aguirre Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $4,000

Duration: $2,000 per year for two years


The Marco Olivas Aguirre Memorial Scholarship is a competitive scholarship that provides graduating seniors with financial support to further their educational goals beyond high school. The fund is established in the memory of a Mapleton Early College graduate who passed away in 2016.

Marco Olivas Aguirre was born in Mexico, where as a young toddler he developed a persistent fever, the cause of which his family doctors could not diagnose. After many visits to multiple doctors, his parents were told to prepare for his death. Instead, they resolved to bring him to the United States. When they arrived in Colorado and took him to Children's Hospital, he was diagnosed with a rare medical condition called Hyper IgM Syndrome, a severe autoimmune disorder, and received the medical assistance necessary to save his life. He faced remarkable challenges from a young age, including numerous major surgeries, severe respiratory infections, stunted physical growth, and the need to breathe with the assistance of oxygen. These challenges only made Marco stronger. He was a talented and motivated student, always working hard, asking lots questions, reading voraciously. He loved learning. He also loved to play video games, help out his family at home, and especially loved caring for his baby brother. He was a student who had immense potential and desire to positively impact his community. During high school, he developed a desire to study biology so that he could pursue a career that would allow him to help other young people who had severe medical conditions. He was immensely grateful to the United States for quite literally saving his life, and he had a deep desire to give back. Recognized for his passion and potential, the community rallied around an online fundraising campaign to help him attend Front Range Community College. He passed away suddenly from medical complications in the winter of 2016.

This scholarship seeks to honor Marco’s legacy and make a difference in the lives of scholarship recipients who have faced or are facing difficult challenges or circumstances. It is funded by Marco’s original college fund, and by donations from the Mapleton and Thornton community. Priority consideration will be given to those applicants who demonstrate a passion for helping and continuing to support their community, and who have coped with adversity. Academic performance is a secondary consideration.


  • Applicant must be a resident of Colorado and attend Mapleton Public Schools. 
  • Applicant must be eligible for and planning to attend an accredited college, university, vocational or technical school in the next academic year.
  • Student must have completed the CASFA as opposed to the FAFSA.


  • Submit application form and all common application requirements electronically (see application checklist). 
  • Finalists for this scholarship will be required to participate in an interview process.

Sample interview question:

  • Describe how you have faced and coped with adversity in your life, what you learned, and your vision for your future.